Sunday 12 September 2010

Bob crow is right

If your facing off against Boris being reasonable isn't going to cut it. Be unreasonable then the powers that be will realize you dangerous and cut a deal otherwise there just steam roll you. if your working join a union be active and be prepared to fight because expecting the condems to give a monkeys about ordinary people is just rubbish there idea of hardworking people are MPS who poorly paid on £60k plus.
rest of us on less than £24k a year just don't count so either get out and do your own thing or fight expecting the boss to be reasonable when he can be unreasonable and get away with it is stupid

Saturday 11 September 2010

getting out from under

awaiting my first JSA cheque most people would consider this a failure and in away it is.
Back on the scrap heap broke and in debt This time I'm determined to get out from under. this takes cash though. Lots of people who say its not about the money are people who have cash when you got £20 to last till tuesday money is all consuming it sucks and it sucks big time. But in some 3rd world shithole
that would last you months. I'm not in a 3rd world shithole I'm in the UK one of the richest countries in the world no trying to figure out How I can provide a service that means people will pay me enough to make a living well thats the tirck isn't it